Material Handling System PRODUCT

Contributing to improving working environments for RTG
operators and realizing safe and stable container handing operations.

Automatic Rubber Tired Gantry Crane

In 2005, we were the first in the world to successfully put into commercial operation, remotely-controlled, automated RTGs thereby vastly improving working conditions for their operators. We were able to provide satisfactory working conditons by shifting from on-board operation to operation in a comfortable office environment. By seemlessly integrating both automated and remote-control operation, a high level of operational efficiency was obtained and our comprehensive safety sensing functions have greatly contributed to safety and stable operation. We are now developing carbon-neutral systems using hydrogen power to enhance environmental protection.

Port Cranes
  • Ports
  • Ports
  • Unit Loads
Track Record
Domestic Market: 55 uints of new-build (including those on order), and 8 units of retrofit.
Overseas Market
29 units (including supply of automation system components)


Our track record proves the realiability of our automation technology.

Over 10 years of continuous development and improvement has realized a highly reliable system.

Comprehensive safety surveillance functions

Over 10 years of accident-free operation.
Our remotely-controlled, automated RTGs have contributed greatly to safety at container terminals.

High accuracy container stacking

We have developed means of automatically stacking containers on cambered ground by slightly shifting each stacking level horizontally to maintain a vertical stack.

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