Material Handling System TECHNOLOGY

Our Optimized Power Controls for Reduced Energy Demand
for Contributing to Carbon-Neutral Operation


Electrical Power Supply Sustem for RTGs

RTGs at container terminals need to be equipped with large diesel engine generator sets which require large amounts of fuel, produing emissions and smoke.
Our Sybrid System, a hybrid power supply system, solves these issues by making use of regenerative power from lowering and decelerating motion, storing this energy in batteries, and recycling them for use during hoisting. This enables the generator sets to be reduced to 1/3 in size and fuel consumption reeduced by about 60%, which also reduces emissions.

  • #Cost Reduction
  • #Efficiency
  • #Improving the Working Environment
  • #Sustainability

Highest Fuel Consumption Reduction in the World

Optimzed Batteries


  • 01 Exellent Fuel-Saving Rate

    Being a crane manufacturer, we are able to optimize the design for maximum fuel savings.

  • 02 Easy installation

    Our modular design facilitates installation.

  • 03 Low operating costs

    Allows use of smaller engine to reduce fuel costs.

  • 04 Environmentally friendly

    The size of the engine can be reduced to 1/3 capacity.

  • 05 Optimized Batteries

    High-output Lithium-Ion Batteries well suited for repeated recharging

Environmentally friendly

Smaller engine means less CO2 emission and optimized controls eliminated smoke and reduces noise.

Light and compact

Use of Hi-Rate Type Lithium Ion Batteries reduces size of the unit.

Further Improvements

We are developing the Fuel-Cell Hybrid RTG which uses fuel-cells in place of diesel engine to drive the crane and eliminate CO2 emsission. By combining this power unit with our hybrid system, the size of the fuel cells can be reduced, further contributuing to envergy savings.

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