We deliver the highest quality products and services to the world
by being close to our customers.

Service and Maintenance Responsibilities and Principles

We contribute to the safe and stable operations of customers through our dependable technical skills.

We at Sumitomo Heavy Industries Material Handling Systems have delivered a large number of products in the field of Materials Handling, Logistics Systems and Parking Systems.

These products must serve the respective customers for an extended period of time. Cranes especially have a long service life and there are many in use after 50 years.
After-sales service support is essential for our customers to continue to enjoy the benefits of our products. We believe that it is of the utmost importance to go beyond after-sales service and maintenance to continue to upgrades to win the trust of our customers. We shall continue to contribute to our customer safe and stable operstions by fulfilling our three responsibilities of after-sales service.

製品責任 Our Responsibilities Towards our Products Our responsibility to manufacture reliable prodcuts

Our resposibility extends beyond defects to prevent initial faults and to maintainability.

顧客責任 Our Resposibilities Towards our Customers. Our responsibility to make expedient repairs

Besides restoring products to operation, provide inspection and overhaul service to address our customers' concerns and needs.

事業責任 Our Responsibilities Towards Business Our responsibility to provide support while the product exists.

Our Responsibilities Towards Business
Our responsibility to provide support while the product exists.
We assure our customers' benefits in the long term.


Lifecycle Solution

The service operations of Sumitomo Heavy Industries Material Handling Systems Co.,Ltd. rest on two pillars: Material handling system operations, which encompass cranes from small and medium-sized overhead cranes to large cranes, as well as unloaders and other transport systems; and logistical-systems services, which handle the products of the Logistics and Parking Systems Division of Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Our core philosophy is "to contribute to the safe and stable operations of customers through life-cycle solutions, from services to products." Guided by this principle, we serve a full range of customer needs, from scheduled inspection and on-call support to action plans to boost the performance of customer equipment. Maintenance inspection, overhaul, parts supply, equipment diagnosis, part-by-part upgrading and functional enhancement are just some of the services we offer.

Material Handling System Service Contents

With interactive style after-sales service, we not only assure stable operation but evolve our services to meet the needs of the next generation.

Our cranes are specifically designed to customer requrements and there is no discontinuing a particular model or terminating its production. Cranes have a long service life and many are in use after 50 years. Product follow-up is kept continuous to gain the confidence of our customers.

In order to maintain safe, stable operation and to improve the performace of our products, we undertake inspections, facility analysis, partial replacements and upgrades, we can propose services to fit the needs pf our customers.
By keeping close contact with our customers over the long term, we strive to resolve their problems and concerns and to assure safe operation of our products over generations, we are shifting our approach to being more proactive with our customers.
With promotion of preventive maintenance, we endavor to realize stable operation and safety tof our customers' facilities to enable them to continue serving the needs of society.



We not only simply repair or improve worn or outdated parts, but will locate latent issues and apply the latest technology to develop solutions to enhance our customers' operations.


Providing Safety and Peace of Mind

In order to improve working environemnts and address shortages of skilled operators, we are developing and proposing remote operation and automation solutions.

We are further supporting our customers' operations by introducing our remote monitoning systems SIRMS (SHI-MH Integrated Remote Monitoring System)


Caring for our Environment

We are always developing technology for energy-savings, electrification of hydraulic motions and dust control.

Logistics System Service Contents

With interactive style after-sales service, we not only assure stable operation but evolve our services to meet the needs of the next generation.

A logistics system is a combination of various product equipment and encompasses a series of processes, from production to distribution, inventory management, transportation, and delivery. Various issues arise during long-term use, ranging from wear and tear to discontinued production of purchased parts, malfunctions, changes in the form of handling items and operations. We provide services that continue to respond to changes and work closely with our customers to ensure safe operation with peace of mind.

In order to maintain smooth and log time operation, we offer a wide range of services, from daily customer support to inspections, repairs, and preventive maintenance proposals, unit updates, and solutions for improvement, we provide services with advanced control technology with customer's stable operation at utmost priority. In order to prevent the operation being stopped due to sudden failures, we promote preventive maintenance and provide proposal-based services to deal with not only aging deterioration but also social issues that arise with the times and all kinds of environmental improvement measures.



We not only simply repair or improve worn or outdated parts, but will locate latent issues and apply the latest technology to develop solutions to enhance our customers' operations.


Providing Safety and Peace of Mind

There is a strong demand for improved capabilities in logistics systems, particularly automation, to help solve social issues such as improving working conditions and a declining working population.
We make total system proposals rather than individual products, that are tailored to our customers needs.


Caring for our Environment

We offer suggestions for reducing the burden on the environment, such as using the latest energy-saving and efficient technologies.

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