Under the Basic Sustainability Policy, the SHI Group will promote more robust and sustainable corporate activities focused on addressing our materialities to live up to the trust of our stakeholders.
Basic Sustainability Policy
Based on Sumitomo's Business philosophy and Sumitomo Heavy Industries Group's management philosophy, we conduct corporate management by enhancing both social and corporate value for the realization of a sustainable society.We have clarified these ideas as a basic sustainability policy.

We shall provide products and services that contribute to economical and technological development and aim for our sustainable growth.

We shall make every effort to minimize the environmental load in all of our business activities, including the entire product life cycle.In addition, we shall protect the safety, security and health of every person involved in any corporate activities and create a workplace where everyone of us can work vibrantly.

We shall ensure thorough corporate ethics and improve management soundness and transparency.
ESG Policy
We established as a basic policy to realize a susutainable future.
01 Environment

The SHI Group will endeavor to reduce environmental impacts across its entire operations, including the whole life cycle of its products, based on the Sustainability Basic Policy, recognizing that conservation of the global environment and climate action are one of the priority issues in efforts toward achieving a sustainable society.
Environmental Policy
- The SHI Group will work to conserve the global environment and endeavor to prevent environmental pollution.
- The SHI Group will strive to reduce environmental impacts through efforts such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions and waste, reusing and recycling resources, and using energy more efficiently, and work toward achieving a decarbonized and circular society.
- The SHI Group will work to address impacts of its operations on nature and ecosystems and conserve biodiversity.
- The SHI Group will strengthen its environmental management structure and continue to operate and improve its environmental management system.
- The SHI Group will not only comply with environmental laws and regulations but will also establish and apply voluntary standards to assess its environmental performance as needed.
- The SHI Group will work to raise environmental awareness of everyone involved in its operations through continuous environmental education and awareness programs.
- The SHI Group will share with and communicate and disclose to all stakeholders this Environmental Policy.
Green Procurement
SHI Group will strive to contribute to environmental conservation and to develop a sustainable society together with business partners through promotion of green procurement so as to be able to deliver environment-conscious products to customers. To this end, the SHI Group will procure goods and services that are useful for global warming prevention, the promotion of resource saving and recycling, and the prevention of environmental pollution, from business partners that, just like SHI, work on reducing environmental loads and conserving the environment.
Green Procurement Guidelines
The Green Procurement Guidelines specifically define the environmental consideration described in the CSR Procurement Guidelines. The Green Procurement Guidelines have been distributed to SHI Group divisions and affiliated companies and are utilized for selecting goods/services to be procured by the SHI Group.
SHI Group Green Procurement Guidelines02 Society
We aim to build relationships of trust through opportunities for communication with stakeholders and appropriate information disclosure, and increase corporate value.

Quality Principles
Through the continuous and unwavering pursuit of world class quality that is recognized globally, we will supply customers with products and services that they recognize as adding value to their business.
Quality Policy
- Customer First : Define quality targets based on the expectations of the customer
- Continuous Progress : Continuously advance the quality system and incorporate quality with a process mindset
- Everyone Participates : Every person involved in quality sets an objective and tackles quality issues head on as a team
CSR Procurement Guidelines (Overview)
Our Group, the Sumitomo Heavy Industries (SHI) Group, aims to provide products and services that help advance economic and technological development toward realizing a sustainable society. We have established these CSR Procurement Guidelines to achieve this aim. The cooperation of all SHI Group suppliers will be essential to our success. Therefore, we request your understanding and cooperation in joining us to promote progress in each item established herein.
Fair and equitable competition and transactions and thorough attention to compliance Realization of fair and equitable competition and transactions
- Compliance with all business laws and regulations
- Protection of and respect for intellectual property
- Prohibition of the offering of improper advantages
- Compliance with laws and regulations related to import and export
- Preservation of confidentiality
- Responsible mineral procurement
- Severing of relations with antisocial forces
- Establishment of an internal reporting system
Human rights, labor, and health and safety
- Compliance with labor laws and regulations
- Respect for human rights and prohibition of unfair discrimination, labor, and harassment
- Prohibition of child labor and forced labor
- Occupational health and safety
- Appropriate management of working hours and consideration for living wages
- Respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining
Consideration of the environment
- Compliance with relevant laws
- Establishment of an environmental management system
- Prevention of environmental pollution and control of hazardous chemical substances
- Effective use of resources/energy and reduction of negative environmental impact
- Consideration for biodiversity
Promotion of communication with stakeholders through information disclosure
Social contribution and coexistence/co-prosperity with local communities
Application throughout the supply chain
Safety and Health
Under the "SHI Group's Basic Philosophy of Safety and Health" adopted as our policy on safety and health, we are working to ensure the safety and health of all parties concerned, including our employees and support staff both inside and outside our premises.
Under this policy, we have formulated the Basic Safety Reform Plan in fiscal 2010 and have been strengthening our efforts to prevent occupational accidents and improve employee health. Since 2020, we have been implementing activities based on the 4th Action Plan.
SHI Group's Basic Philosophy of Safety and Health
The SHI Group will work in cooperation with labor and management to ensure that the "safety first" policy is upheld by all employees to create pleasant workplaces where they can work in healthy, safe, and secure environments, based on a spirit of respect for human beings.
To ensure reliable operation of our occupational health and safety management systems, we have been promoting acquisition of ISO 45001 certification by external certification bodies at each of our sites, and approximately 50% of our major manufacturing sites in Japan have already acquired the certification. (As of October 2022)
03 Compliance
The SHI Group requires officers and employees to comply with laws and corporate ethics, and to always act with high decency.
Furthermore, we established a Basic Compliance Policy in March 2020 and thereby strive to ensure comprehensive compliance throughout the SHI Group.

Basic Compliance Policy
- Based on Sumitomo's Business Philosophy, we promote compliance in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value in accordance with its management philosophy.
- All officers and employees will comply with laws and internal rules based on the Code of Ethics, practice corporate ethics such as social norms, and carry out business in good faith and fairness.
- Safety and compliance shall take precedence over everything else.